How do you know Davy Crockett was a racist? He wore coon-skin caps. |
How do you play poker in Howard Beach? Two clubs beats three spades. |
How does the Ku Klux Klan go surfing with Negroes? They hang ten. |
What did the police artist sketch when a woman described the man who raped her as being blond-haired, blue-eyed, and well-dressed? A nigger. |
What do you call a black girl's vaginal crust? Velveeta's cheese. |
What do you call an Ethiopian woman with a vaginal infection? A quarter-pounder with cheese. |
What do you call blacks who read Lord of the Rings? Tolkien Negroes. |
What does a black man call his ideal woman? Gorilla my dreams. |
What is the opening line of the Black Theatre production of Hamlet? "To be, or not to be, that be the question." |
Why did the white man bring blacks to America? Because the Indians weren't good joke material. |
our class today
14 years ago
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