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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How do you know Davy Crockett was a racist?
He wore coon-skin caps.
How do you play poker in Howard Beach?
Two clubs beats three spades.
How does the Ku Klux Klan go surfing with Negroes?
They hang ten.
What did the police artist sketch when a woman described the man who raped her as being blond-haired, blue-eyed, and well-dressed?
A nigger.
What do you call a black girl's vaginal crust?
Velveeta's cheese.
What do you call an Ethiopian woman with a vaginal infection?
A quarter-pounder with cheese.
What do you call blacks who read Lord of the Rings?
Tolkien Negroes.
What does a black man call his ideal woman?
Gorilla my dreams.
What is the opening line of the Black Theatre production of Hamlet?
"To be, or not to be, that be the question."
Why did the white man bring blacks to America?
Because the Indians weren't good joke material.